
In dieser außergewöhnlichen Situation, die für viele Menschen eine Herausforderung darstellt, könnten insbesondere Kulturinstitutionen als Orte der Inspiration und Orientierung dienen. Die Einstufung als „Freizeitbeschäftigung“ finden wir unangemessen.
Galerien als „Einzelhändler“ dürfen zwar öffnen, dennoch möchten wir unseren Beitrag leisten, eine weitere Ausbreitung des Virus einzudämmen.
Daher haben wir uns entschlossen, die Hamburg-Ausstellung zunächst zu verschieben.

Das ist für uns und unsere Künstler kein einfacher Schritt. Zum einen haben wir uns sehr auf die Ausstellung im Hamburg gefreut. Zum anderen ist eine Ausstellung für sowohl Künstler, als auch für die Galerie ein wichtiges Instrument, um mit kunstinteressierten Menschen in den Dialog zu kommen.

Für alle Interessierten biete ich an, den Ausstellungskatalog, den wir bereits produziert haben, zuzusenden (Print oder PDF). Bei tiefergehendem Interesse lade ich zu Video-Chats ein, um per Whatsapp oder Zoom die Kunstwerke zu entdecken.
Daher bitte ich alle Interessierten, mich ganz unkompliziert per Mail oder Telefon zu kontaktieren.

Wann die Ausstellungseröffnung nachgeholt wird, ist in dieser unsicheren Zeit zunächst nicht absehbar, wird aber zu gegebener Zeit hier veröffentlicht.

Since the art fair is unfortunately cancelled this year, we still want to present new great art to our art friends in Hamburg.

Exhibition dates 12. Nov 2020 – 21. Jan 2021
Vernissage 12. – 15. Nov 2020 | please see available dates

BOOKING SYSTEM BELOW (opening hours by appointment)

The exhibition shows artists who are mainly engaged in Post-Urban-Art and who have detached themselves from their original medium, the spray can, and developed in their own individual way.

The artists have all equally taken their first artistic paths in urban space. Building on this, they developed in different directions. It is important to us to present these styles of post-urban art to an interested audience.

We will show modern painting by the young artists Christoph Rode, Christian KERA Hinz, Nico Sawatzki and Tobias Stutz.
The works are each a unique interpretation of interior and exterior spaces and landscapes. Each of the artists, whether painted figuratively or abstractly, explores natural and artificial elements with a very own perceptive signature.


Uhlig Gallery PopUp Hamburg Blankenese
c/o Kroschewski Holzrichter GmbH
Hasenhöhe 11
22587 Hamburg

Uhlig Gallery PopUp Hamburg | perceptive signatures

Book your Hamburg Art Date with us

Please note when visiting the gallery:
Keep a sufficient distance and wear a mouth-nose-mask.
If you feel ill, please refrain from visiting the gallery.
We thank you for your understanding and look forward to your visit – stay healthy!


In this extraordinary situation, which is a challenge for many people, cultural institutions in particular could serve as places of inspiration and orientation. We find the classification as „leisure activity“ inappropriate.
Galleries as „retailers“ are allowed to open, but we would like to do our part to contain the further spread of the virus.
We have therefore decided to postpone the Hamburg exhibition for the time being.

This is not an easy step for us and our artists. On the one hand, we were really looking forward to the exhibition in Hamburg. On the other hand, an exhibition is an important event both for artists and for the gallery to enter into a dialogue with people interested in art.

For anyone interested, I offer to send the exhibition catalog (print or PDF) that has already been created. If you are more interested, I invite you to video chat to discover the works of art via WhatsApp or Zoom. I therefore ask all interested parties to simply contact me by email or phone.

At this uncertain time, it is not initially possible to predict when the exhibition will open, but it will be published here in due course.

Since the art fair is unfortunately cancelled this year, we still want to present new great art to our art friends in Hamburg.

Exhibition dates 12. Nov 2020 – 21. Jan 2021
Vernissage 12. – 15. Nov 2020 | please see available dates

BOOKING SYSTEM BELOW (opening hours by appointment)

The exhibition shows artists who are mainly engaged in Post-Urban-Art and who have detached themselves from their original medium, the spray can, and developed in their own individual way.

The artists have all equally taken their first artistic paths in urban space. Building on this, they developed in different directions. It is important to us to present these styles of post-urban art to an interested audience.

We will show modern painting by the young artists Christoph Rode, Christian KERA Hinz, Nico Sawatzki and Tobias Stutz.
The works are each a unique interpretation of interior and exterior spaces and landscapes. Each of the artists, whether painted figuratively or abstractly, explores natural and artificial elements with a very own perceptive signature.


Uhlig Gallery PopUp Hamburg Blankenese
c/o Kroschewski Holzrichter GmbH
Hasenhöhe 11
22587 Hamburg

Uhlig Gallery PopUp Hamburg | perceptive signatures

Book your Hamburg Art Date with us

Please note when visiting the gallery:
Keep a sufficient distance and wear a mouth-nose-mask.
If you feel ill, please refrain from visiting the gallery.
We thank you for your understanding and look forward to your visit – stay healthy!
