Okuda’s distinctive style of geometric harmonies emboldened with intense colours can make his artworks feel like they’re from a parallel universe. In his work, rainbow geometric architectures blend with organic shapes, bodies without identity, headless animals and symbols that encourage reflection in artistic pieces that could be categorized as Pop Surrealism with a clear essence …
Schlagwort-Archive: OKUDA
Fair: Art Bodensee 2017
We proudly present Selected International Artists Kera | Okuda | Quintessenz | Rode | Rosier | Schellbach Exhibition dates21. – 23. July 2017
UrbanArt Biennale 2017
Uhlig Gallery presents Selected Interational Artists OKUDA, TASSO, KERA and RODE at the 4th UrbanArt Biennale® in Völklingen / Saarbrücken. Exhibition dates 09.04. – 05.11.2017 The „UrbanArt Biennale®“ presents the best urban artists in the world at the world Cultural Heritage and is the world’s largest urban art exhibition. Every two years, the European Center …
Fair: Designers‘ Open 2015
At this year’s DO we present internationally known Urban Artists, such as OKUDA, KERA and TASSO. Enjoy their exciting portfolio of painting and graphic art. Exhibition dates23. – 25. October 2015